Letter to Liberation
Dear Liberation,
How are you doing, our love? It has taken us a long time to say your name, yet now you roll so smoothly and freely from our weary tongues. No longer do we look for more palatable, less offensive alternatives to you. No, we want you, and we fight for you.
We know now that you make those in this world committed to the oppressions of others scared because you exist for EVERYONE.
We sit here writing to you from a distant past, with the knowledge that you are our future. Allow us a moment to time travel and imagine what experiencing you will be like. Hmmmm, you taste sweet. You see, we need a moment because we have never truly known you, at least not for hundreds of years.
Complete transparency here; never having known you, and therefore not having a blueprint, an idea, or a reassurance of what you will be can mean that we struggle to imagine you, to work towards you, and to encourage others to do the same. The world we have come up in has done a great job of taking away our agency and our spirits. Truth is, we are exhausted. Capitalism, white supremacy and oppressions within all societal structures exhaust us. We struggle to survive, as we attempt to fight fires and exert the energy needed to support those who have been destroyed by your evil big brothers, capitalism and oppression.
Our current fight is abolition, through the demolition of existing oppressive structures and systems. We are also ourselves and those we work with having to straddle and navigate a world and a system that actively works to stop our liberation.
We hear your whispers and messages in our dreams, and we have realised that in order to sustain our fight to abolish, we need to be imagining what life looks like once we have you in our hands. What does life look like beyond you? What does it look like not to struggle? What does it look like to thrive? What does real, unfettered rest look like?
But, Liberation, even though we know all of the above to be true, and we know that you are our destiny, in our hardest moments we find ourselves crying out, ‘Where the hell are you? Why are you hiding from us?’ It is in these moments that we need a sign from you, just a little one! Just a little light seeping through the cracks of the broken present.
Please always know that you excite us and scare us, and we are determined to and will know YOU.
Here’s to meeting you, living you, and wanting you.
With all of our love,
Rivers Coaching x