We are committed to creating space for muted communities to dictate the ways in which the work must be done.

16 September 2021
F**k Resilience
14 July 2021
‘Either they don’t know, don’t show, or don’t care about what’s going on in the…’

Young people are dying.

14 July 2021
smashing the crystal ball

Gypsy, Roma or Traveller (GRT) children face severe oppression at the hands of the education sector and society as a whole.

14 July 2021
Art as a key component of social and educational transfiguration

I am consistently reminded that art, education and social activism do not and should not be mutually exclusive. In fact, when each of these entities is spoken of, the other two should be lingering, if not in a prominent position, at the very least in the background. For me, the intersection of these three disciplines is a beautiful thing.

19 April 2021
Letter to Liberation

Dear Liberation,

How are you doing, our love? It has taken us a long time to say your name, yet now you roll so smoothly and freely from our weary tongues. No longer do we look for more palatable, less offensive alternatives to you. No, we want you, and we fight for you.

11 March 2021
Space. Place. Race.

What is it like for a marginalised person to navigate the historically oppressive and violent spaces that they live in?

10 March 2021
Old Amsterdam

While there are a number of television programmes and films that are beginning to purporting to show reimagined worlds separate from the systems within which we currently exist, they often simply reinforce the oppressive systems that they are so keen to distance themselves from.

We still have a long way to go.
