We accept and embrace that we will make mistakes along the way, but this will not stop us from boldly taking radical risks and decisions.

For all people to have everything they need, including healing, joy and the space to imagine, we all need to be working towards liberation. The path to liberation will be long and it will be messy. Below is our offering of what it could look like. Read it, critique it, adjust it, pursue it.


“A political, economic and cultural system in which whites overwhelmingly control power and material resources, conscious and unconscious ideas of white superiority and entitlement are widespread, and relations of white dominance and non-white subordination are daily reenacted across a broad array of institutions and social settings.”

-Frances Lee Ansley

Small groups fight for civil rights

For centuries, small grassroots groups in the form of student mobilisation, unionism and civic movements have fought the system, calling out oppression, and fighting for justice.

Small & Large Changes Made

As a result of the work of both small and large grassroots movements, changes to policy, mindsets and awareness are made. We have seen such change as ….. Law, brought about the tireless campaigning of members of the United Families and Friends Campaign.


Genocide Continues

Oppressive systems and the people at their helm maintain and create structures, systems and norms which lead to the mass physical, psychological and spiritual deaths of marginalised people.

Commitment to a lifetime of unlearning

Once a true awareness and understanding of the oppressive systems we live within, it is imperative that people commit their lives to a simultaneous unlearning and relearning, that will continue throughout their lives. Unlearning plays a big part in each individual's and collective’s healing journey.

Individual and collective choosing their role

Everybody’s activism does and should look different. People and communities lean into their skillsets and conjure up creative and transformative ways to use them to do their part towards liberation.

Defunding of government agencies

This is the redirecting and reallocating of funding from the police, prisons, and other oppressive systems into other services.

Try / Fail

It is important to not fear things not working out. Without trying, we do not know what doesn’t work out.

Creation of transformative systems

Once the current oppressive systems are dismantled, completely new (never having existed) ones will need to replace them. The trying and failing, coupled with a  redistribution of funding will mean that these systems will be from inception created with marginalised voices steering things.

Constant evolution and adaptation

It doesn’t stop! A liberated world is one that continuously questions itself and adjusts to ensure that at all times it is a space in which all those within it heal, thrive and find joy.


A world in which all people have everything they need. At inception systems and structures (or whatever they are replaced with) are designed by, for and with all those who live within them. In this world, nobody is marginalised or oppressed.